Ballard, NEL
Ballard, NEL
11:00am | This one-hour webinar, featuring CaFCP members Nikola Motor, Shell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Ballard Power Systems, will discuss the state of heavy-duty hydrogen fuel cell vehicles today and their future outlook. This webinar is timed to coincide with National Hydrogen Day.
Argonne National Laboratory
1:00–6:00pm | This year's workshop will feature discussions on recent progress of the H2@Scale initiative and upcoming plans. Industry and National Lab participants will provide updates on H2@Scale projects and discuss the role of hydrogen and fuel cells in several areas, including:
Time lapse video, SunLine Transit
Zen and the Art of Clean Energy Solutions
Sandia National Laboratories
10am PST | The U.S. Department of Energy will co-host a live webinar on September 5 at 1pm (EDT) with the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on the potential benefits and challenges of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies used for emergency relief purposes. SEE DOE WEBINARS & REGISTER
9:00am–6:00pm | Hosted by German Business (GACC West)—The symposium will provide the unique opportunity to hear from high-level speakers and meet with bioenergy experts from both countries. The exchange of innovative ideas and discussions on new developments may lay the groundwork for future cooperation. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for additional speaker announcements. While the event is free of charge, registration is required.
Rocky Mountain Institute