Slides: Webinar presentation, CaFCP
Slides: Webinar presentation, CaFCP
The California Air Resources Board received the second 30-month ZEV Investment Plan (Cycle 2 Plan) from Electrify America. Thursday and Friday, November 15 and 16, 9am and 8:30am, respectively. The plan available at
The California Energy Commission has released a request for information (RFI) that solicits input from entities that either supply or plan to research the supply chain to support a business case for supplying hydrogen to refueling stations funded by the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program (ARFVTP) for light-duty fuel cell electric vehicle fueling in California.
The objective of the RFI is to identify and quantify domestic resources compatible with large-scale hydrogen production, and to identify pathways to enable effective near- and long-term leveraging of these resources in major industries requiring affordable, secure, domestic, and scalable hydrogen supplies.
12:00pm-1:00pm (PST) | Join the California Fuel Cell Partnership for an update about fuel cell electric vehicles and the hydrogen station network development in California and beyond. This webinar will provide general, non-technical overview about:
The Innovation for Cool Earth Forum
October 16-18 | The 2018 Expo will be held in collaboration with the US EPA’s West Coast Collaborative Conference at the McClellan Conference Center (Free - registration required).
Air Liquide
Maintenance assessment, NREL